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Confessions of a Patriots Fan

NE Patriots

I know the headline may seem a little coincidental, being that the New England Patriots are 18 Wins and 0 Losses going into the Super Bowl.  However, in an effort not to brag, but reflect the pride that consumes me today, I’ll share a little bit of New England experience with you.  First of all, let me state, that if you can survive New England weather more than 20 years, then you are a true New Englander.

Growing up, the Boston Celtic’s were still making history in the infamous Boston Garden.  The Red Sox and Bruins were division fighters and the Patriots were never a contender for the playoff”s – let alone the Super Bowl.  Then came former Coach Bill Parcell’s, who addressed team morale via new uniforms and logo (what a blessing).  With a new look and feel and one of the greatest coaches, Bill Belechik, who would think the new uniforms would spark a run in history that is still quite unbelievable.

3 Super Bowl Championships later, the New England Patriot’s have accomplished the unthinkable, an undefeated season and an opportunity at a 4th title.  This season compared to all the rest, seems the most important.  With all the celebrations going on, I’m not sure if you know, but the murder rate in yes, the home of Harvard University, M.I.T., etc., has continued to climb. 

In 2007, not only did the Patriots have an undefeated season, but many Mother’s lost son’s and daughters to senseless violence in Boston’s inner-city.  If you’ve ever been to Boston, then you know it’s one of the most smallest, yet historical places in America.  However, crime continues to soar at an alarming rate. 

In 2008, my sincere hope and prayer is that every hopeless soul at home, who feels there is no way out except through violence, will see a silver lining in each and every Patriot win as inspiration.

So to all you “non-Patriot” fans, I say, it’s bigger than you, it’s bigger than me, it’s bigger than a 19-0 season.  Instead of hating on us, say a prayer for us, so 2008 can truly be a peaceful one.  Now that’s reason to celebrate.

Vote for Change!

PS. Per my Mom, Coach Belecch
